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Automation trend and safe operation method of aluminum alloy rail crane
Time: 2019-07-30Views:
With the rapid development of Chinas lifting industry, it has also effectively promoted the application of the automation industry in the lifting industry. Therefore, in the lifting industry, semi-automatic lifting equipment is transforming

With the rapid development of China's lifting industry, it has also effectively promoted the application of the automation industry in the lifting industry. Therefore, in the lifting industry, semi-automatic lifting equipment is transforming into automatic, automatic automation of aluminum alloy rail cranes. What about the trend? How should this crane be safely operated? Let us see the introduction below.
Automation trend of aluminum alloy rail cranes:
The speed of automation products in the lifting industry is very fast, and there is still huge potential, and the prospects are very good. Whether it is the development of modern form or the efficient investment in the crane industry, from control to transmission, automation products are The application depth of this industry has gradually accumulated. Nowadays, the planning trend is in the future development, and the automation industry of the crane industry has received high attention from various industries.
Method for safe operation of aluminum alloy rail cranes:
This kind of equipment is usually used in the environment of machine parts, so when choosing the electric hoist, you must pay special attention to its speed control requirements, so that you can slowly land according to the specific speed of the user when lifting, so it is wrong. The lifting object collides. When performing equipment operation, the user must have professional work experience, be familiar with the internal structure of the equipment, and have the ability to recognize the danger of illegal operation. Only operators who meet these standards can guarantee the safety and efficiency of use. Before operating the equipment, it is necessary to carry out professional and effective inspection of the equipment, and find that there is wear or failure, and timely maintenance is required.
Since the crane is suspended under the lower chord of the rail I-beam, the manual monorail trolley is hung on the main beam of the large frame, the walking between the taxi and the manual monorail trolley and the goods are driven by the hand chain; The equipment is usually used in general warehouses and workshops at room temperature, suspended on I-beam rails with fixed spans for loading and unloading and handling heavy objects or overhaul equipment.
This is the introduction of the aluminum alloy rail crane. If you want to play the professional advantage in the process of using this equipment, you not only need to ensure the quality of the equipment itself, but also pay attention to the installation effect, and the operation method and operation safety should also be There is a guarantee that the user can achieve the intended use.

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